Cloud Website Hosting Plans with a 30-Day Free Trial
At Net For Africa, we provide ultramodern, ZFS–powered cloud web hosting solutions with a particular accent on speed, security and scalability. We’ve incorporated a bunch of website accelerators within our hosting Control Panel and we have NVMe–powered servers that guarantee eye–poppingly fast web site loading speeds. And with our scalable hosting platform, you will be able to easily change your web hosting package whenever you wish.
Corporate UL
$11.92/mo. - Start 30-Day Trial
Data Backups
Ever lost your web site content? Do turn to our backup service
Once posted online, your website content will be unprotected to hack assaults. Alternatively, it can be affected even by your own personal unintended actions. With us, there’s nothing to worry about, given that we always keep a backup of your site content, which can recovered at any time. Furthermore, you can make manual back–up copies of your entire web site with a single click through your File Manager, which is located in the Website Control Panel. The system will save all your website files and will compress them into a ZIP archive, which will be saved in your hosting account.
True Cloud Platform
Take a Tour
At Net For Africa, we are proud of offering you an actual cloud website hosting platform – every single service is taken care of by a separate physical machine, so your sites will invariably open instantly even if the system is under stress. This cloud hosting platform was fully developed by us with a focus on balance and scalability, and is backed up by a 99.9% server uptime guarantee.
Web Hosting Control Panel
Control your websites with a click of the mouse
It is now very easy to attain total control over your sites with the modern Website Control Panel that we have developed for you with intuitiveness in mind. Handle all the site files with simple drag ’n’ drop actions, register, transfer and control numerous domain names from a single place, create e–mail box accounts instantly, run e–mail list campaigns effortlessly, make and access your databases with just a mouse click, monitor web site statistics in real time, etcetera. Innovative tools such as a framework installer, a hotlink protection tool and an .htaccess generator are available too.
Multiple Data Centers
Cloud website hosting plans on 3 continents
Our cloud website hosting network expands across 3 continents – America (the Colohouse data center in Chicago, Illinois, USA), Europe (UK Servers data center in Coventry, UK, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the S3 data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter in Sydney). As a result of this, regardless of where you are actually located, you will be able to select a datacenter facility that is close to your target visitors. This way, you will ensure the most quick tenable web site loading speeds for them. You’ll be able to pick your data center facility with a click of the mouse on the order page.
- US Data Center
US Data Center
Colohouse, Chicago, IL
- UK Data Center
UK Data Center
UK Servers, Coventry, UK
- AU Data Center
AU Data Center
Amaze, Sydney, Australia
- BG Data Center
BG Data Center
S3, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Finland Data Center
Finland Data Center
Ficolo/Pori, Finland